Tag Archives: An Choi

Tone of the Day: Goodness

It’s  just that  I’m an addict for your love…
Just think how long I’ve known you, it’s wrong for me to own you lock and key.

Last night was a tour of force:
1.Asia Dogs at An Choi. Do not sleep on Monday nights 6-9pm with Spicy Roosters (Vietnamese Micheladas) and Kimchee hotdogs. I got to run into the very fun and colorful Chris Clinton.
2. Paper Hearts the movie was part Michele Gondry /part nerd love story.
3. Le Cubain on Ludlow to meet Kevin and Ava after the movie.
4. A short bike ride to Mangiami to see the Singaporean posse celebrate Happy Hour until about 11:30pm. Yay Putri. Yay Mel. Yay Gin. Gin played Georgy Porgy and inspired this one to stay out just a little bit longer.
5. Bilen and Paul Park show up only to be convinced to come for another round of fun…Paul rides my bike to La Esquina.
6. La Esquina with Shady on the decks. I got to run into Tony Everette, Chris Nagy, and Craig Wetherby. Shady played a Tupac song and I was so stoked. Tony made fun of me for it. I peeled a grapefruit and dipped it in hot sauce. Yes. I’m Mexican.  Mr. Kevin Sampson ordered half the menu because he is good like that.
7. 2AM. It’s late and we need to leave so we ascend the stairs to find the very cute Alex Soroken and Max Fuer at the taqueria.
8. Kevin and I ride our bikes home.
9. Too much of a good thing does not exist. It’s called goodness galore.

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